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Community Base

Health Campaign

     Hong Kong’s health indices rank among the best in the world. Despite of it, the 6% of the population - the ethnic minorities, of which, many still face challenges to gain access to basic services such as health care, often due to language and cultural barriers.

     Thus to fill in the gaps the South Asian Health Support Programme conducts community health campaign to promote health among ethnic minority community in Hong Kong.



  • Promote healthy lifestyle and prevention of chronic diseases particularly hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity amongst the Ethnic minority community in Hong Kong South Asian in Hong Kong

  • Empower the  community with health knowledge and raise their self-esteem

  • Penetration and reach across the community to attain a population-level impact

Useful Links:

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

Smoking Cessation Programme

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service 

Centre for Health Protection Hong Kong  

Hospital Authority

Race Relations Unit

 2344 3019

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