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Monthly Women's

Health Day


  • To increase health awareness among the Ethnic minority community in Hong Kong

  • Encourage Women to uptake health promoting behaviors (such as healthy diet, exercise, child care, home safety and screening) ultimately improve family health

    Early detection and prevention of hypertension, diabetes, obesity.

  • To increase mental health awareness

  • Promote healthy aging (including disease related to aging, self-care, hygiene, diet, exercise, fall prevention and medical compliance)

  • To promote healthy lifestyle through intervention activities (health talk, cooking class, exercise class etc.)


  • Health talk on verities of health topics for Ethnic Minority population

  • Health talk will  completed in two hours including mini health check

  • Estimated minimum 30 participants per talks

  • Health talk will be delivered  from both SAHP  and other department of UCN

  • Health talks will be conducted mainly in Ethnic language, when in English supplemented in ethnic language.

Useful Links:

The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

Smoking Cessation Programme

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service 

Centre for Health Protection Hong Kong  

Hospital Authority

Race Relations Unit

 2344 3019

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